일정표 불러오는 중

모든 일정표

Why I Believe | February 16, 2025

2월 16 @ 6:00 오후 - 오전 7시

Please join us in person or virtually via Facebook Live on February 16, 2025, at 6:00 PM for this Why I Believe Fireside with recent converts of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as they discuss their faith in Christ. There will be two special musical numbers, “Come, Come, Ye Saints” and “How Great Thou Art.” All are invited, so please bring along those who would enjoy this evening. This fireside will be in English with interpretations available in French, Spanish, Chinese, & ASL with a two-day advanced notice to [email protected].

Josh Sherman is a member of the DC YSA North Stake, who has not only found joy in the Gospel but has also brought the Gospel to some of his friends after he joined the church.

Lilton Hunt is a member of the Suitland Stake who joined the church last year and then baptized his daughter into the church.

Jimmy Poole was baptized three years ago, and now serves every week in the Temple as well as the Washington DC Bishop’s Storehouse. He has shared the gospel with several of his friends, who have followed him into the waters of baptism and joined the Church.

오전 10시부터 오후 9시까지 운영되는 방문자 센터의 전시물도 영적 모임 전후에 관람할 수 있습니다. 각 전시회는 하나님의 계획, 기도, 기타 마음을 고양시키는 주제와 경험에 중점을 둡니다.

이번 묵상은 페이스북을 통해 실시간으로 방송됩니다. 노변의 모임을 스트리밍하려면 Facebook 페이지를 방문하세요.

세부 사항

날짜: 2월 16
오후 6:00 - 오후 7:00
이벤트 카테고리:


방문객 센터
연락처: +1 (301) 587-0144


워싱턴 DC 성전 방문자 센터 강당
9900 스토니브룩 박사
사우스 켄싱턴, MD 20895 미국
+ 구글 지도
연락처: +1 (301) 587-0144